Discover The secret to unlocking
Your Jumping Potential...


I'm basically going to spit in the face of all the coaches and so-called trainers out there...

Who have been robbing you of your athleticism and  potential...

Often providing bogus training to you for increasing your vertical jump!

I'm also going to show you why your current training methods are setting you backwards...

Why your vertical jump never seems to improve despite all your hard work...

Leaving you as STILL the 4th or 5th best player on your team...

And why your other teammates continue to improve while you are stuck in neutral!

But more importantly...


The SECRET to Unlocking Your Jumping Potential...

How would you like to discover the secret to truly unlocking your jumping potential...

That almost FORCES your vertical jump to rapidly improve...

Your quickness to become lightning fast...

And your agility to be off the charts!

In fact, if you simply follow this proven training plan, like thousands of other athletes have done...

YOU will be THAT athlete that everyone if talking about!

Honestly, I can't wait for you to experience the feeling of...

Hearing the crowd erupt when you get that massive chase down block...

People dancing in the stands when you catch the outlet pass and throw one down with power...

The coaching drawing up that final play for YOU because he knows you can get to the rim!

So, instead of wasting another summer following your coaches' BS training program...

Or listening to a former player who likely has no idea what he is talking about...

Follow an easy blueprint that almost FORCES you to make massive gains this summer!

How Can I Make Such A Promise?

Over 3,100 Athletes Can't Be Wrong! 

My name is Kurt Howard and I have helped over 3,000 athletes, just like you, finally start training their vertical jump the RIGHT WAY and getting the results they have so desperately wanted (you will see some of their amazing results on this page).

My vertical jump training system has been seen on such sites as,,, and to name a few.

I do not mention all of this to brag, but instead to show you that my system for training and increasing vertical jump height is proven and effective. I have helped athletes all across the world from the US to Australia.

So if you are completely feed up with your current results then I urge you to read on and learn more about my game changing program

Even if you can barely touch the rim...

Or have the athleticism of a sloth...

I'll show you how easy it can be to fix your training and take your vertical to new heights.

Just by following my unique training program you can FINALLY unlock your hidden potential and escape your place on the bench!

But, before I do, I want to tell you why I am so passionate about helping you.

I Was Once In Your Shoes...

I started off as one of the top players on my team.

It was mainly because I was tall for my age and could shoot.

That's all it really took at first, but...

I stopped growing.

And while others grew taller, got more athletic, and passed me by...

I went from star barely cracking the starting lineup.

My shots were getting blocked, I was getting out rebounded and I just wasn't quick enough.

I Felt Defeated!

Over the summers I would work my butt off following the training my coaches gave me or so random program I found on the internet.

But come season time, it was obvious others were continuing to pass me by.

I was lost.  I was frustrated.  I had enough!

So, I Quit

Yep, I decided I would rather just give it up then ride the bench.  I put in hours training, gallons of sweat, missed out on hanging out with my friends and for what?  

Just to me the 6th or 7th option on my team.

It was tough...

Sitting at home playing video games while all my friends were at practice... 

Being just another student in the crowd on game day...  

Hearing the fans go nuts when my best friend dumped 22 points on our cross town rival.

That's MY Story.   
BUT It Doesn't Have To Be YOURS!

The Day It ALL Changed...

After High School I headed off to college and played rec ball.

I found a guy whose athleticism was crazy.

I am taking about two handed reverse dunks, head up by the rim type stuff.

I HAD to know what he did for training...

He told me he was a bit of a science geek...

The type of guy that studied scientific studies and "fitness hacks."

He told me that after hours and hours of research he had put together a training regime...

Specifically designed to increase vertical jump and explosiveness...

And had stumbled upon a formula that got incredible results.

It went against everything taught in the mainstream and his results spoke for themselves.

I told him about my experience and how I gave up basketball my junior year.

How frustrated I was with my lack of results.

He had a similar background, never the most athletic kid but he trained like crazy...

Only to see miniscule results.

That is, of course, until he took matters into his own hands.

"It Doesn't Have To Be That Way"

That's what we both said.

We decided to get this training out to others so they can reap the benefits and not end up like us.

So, we decided to document his entire training process.

The exercises, the workouts, EVERYTHING!

When we had it all done, I recruited a test group to see if the training worked for others...

Holy Sh*t, Did It Ever!

"I did your vertical program and it turned out to be great!

I gained a whole 12 inches in the first 8 weeks!!"



"With your Vertical Explosion Training Program I went from a 28 inches vertical to 33 in the first month"

Sedrick H

San Diego

"When I started my vertical was 17 inches and now my vertical is 24 inches easily and I can now dunk with ease with a full size ball"

Mike G


After seeing the amazing results of our test group we knew we had something special!

We decided that we needed to get this training out to as many athletes as we could.

And with that, the Vertical Explosion Training program was born.

Why Does Our Training Program Work So Well, While Other Programs Fail?

The 3 Fatal Mistakes Almost EVERY training Program Makes...

Failure To Apply the Proper "Mode" of Workout

Many programs use the correct exercises but fail to apply the proper “mode” of workout. This leads to you increasing your muscle endurance but not quickness and explosion, which is critical for increasing your vertical jump.

Do you want to be able to jump continuously for 20 minutes or do you want to be able to explode off the ground quickly and high? Then you need to focus on muscle explosiveness and kick that muscle endurance training to the curb!

Would a sprinter train by running 15 miles a day.  Of course not.  Would a marathoner train by running 100 meter sprints.  Of course not.  A marathoner needs muscle endurance.  A sprinter needs muscle explosiveness.  Same goes for you.  You want to  be explosive and quick off the ground.  To do that you need to be certain you are training n the proper mode 

Doing the WRONG Type of Exercises

Not all exercises are create equal.  Even worse, the wrong type of exercises can actually decrease your results.

When you target the correct exercises that enhance jumping ability…

You are then able to squeak out those extra inches that can be a real difference maker.  

Not Using A  Multi Faceted Approach To Vertical Jump Training  

Most vertical jump programs target one effective method of increasing your vertical jump, like plyometrics or weight lifting, which leads to many people only getting minimal gains. In order to get maximum gains you need to incorporate all methods of training.

You need to take the most effective exercises from each training method and combine them into one easy to follow program. This way you get the benefits of each training method and maximum results.

It makes sense right.  Just like you can’t focus just on your shooting.  You need to work on your ball handling, defense, etc. to be a great all around player,

Same goes for your training.  There are great benefits from weightlifting, doing plyometrics  or jumping exercises.  Alone, each method will get you small results.  But when you train your muscles with all 3 and use the most effective parts of each…  that is when you start to see shocking results.  Essentially you get the benefits of each training method and maximum results.

Our Program Addressed EACH of These Issues

We Show You How To Train in the Proper Mode

We Lay Out EXACTLY Which Muscles To Train

We Ensure That You Target Your Muscle Explosiveness  

We Show You EXACTLY Which Exercises To Do

We Basically FORCE You To Rapidly Improve Your Vertical Jump and Quickness

Get Your Hands On The Exact Workout That Has Skyrocketed Our Athletes Verticals To New Levels...

The Vertical Explosion Training Program

The techniques exposed in this guide are proven to increase your jumping ability to new levels. This is not some beginner program. This is an advanced vertical jumping training program.

Let me give it to you straight....

This is a digital product and the images are for visualization only.

It Doesn't Matter What Your Vertical Is Now...

Our Program WILL Help You Jump Higher!

Imagine the look on your friends' faces when they hit you with an outlet pass and instead of laying it rise up and throw in down with authority!

Picture yourself being THAT athlete that everyone is talking about...

Hearing the "Oohhs and Aahhs" when you block a shot into the stands...

The crowd going crazy when you spin baseline and posterize that other teams best player!

If that gets you excited...then you need to order our Vertical Explosion Training Program now.


Our Athletes Get Results, Now You Can Too!

My Vertical Should Reach Above 40" 

"I can honestly say today was nearly one of the most intense workouts I have ever experienced.. I attend Northwestern College in Orange City Iowa and am playing college football here. I know quite a bit about fitness and your program covers all areas of what I was looking for. I have done plios for hours and many other things to try to increase my vertical and lower my 40 time.

I can already tell after how intense the workout I had today was that after 55 days are complete my vertical should reach above 40 inches and my 40 time in the mid 4.5s. 

God Bless Kurt...if you have any other secrets I'd love to hear them and learn from you."

- Jacob

Orange City, Iowa

I Can Now Dunk

"Kurt, I am about 4 and a half weeks into the program and it is going great. I can now dunk balls that I can palm. The program is definitely working.

I used to always jump off 1 leg but now I have seen the most improvement in my two leg vertical. I can go straight up from right underneath and hang on the rim now and even when I had been in my best shape I wasn't even close to that. I expect to be throwing down with two hands in the next couple weeks. Thank You

- Daniel H


It's Time To Turn The Tables...

So instead of wasting another summer following your coaches' BS training program...

Or listening to a former player who has no idea what he is talking about…

Follow an easy blueprint that almost forces you to make massive gains this summer!


End you playing career like me and live with the regret I have.

I don't want that for you.

I want you to experience the joy of leading your team...

And the opportunity to play at the next level!

Lets Get Started!

Let Me Recap What You Will All Be Getting With The Vertical Explosion Training Program...  

A step-by-step workout program for drastically increasing your vertical leap
Detailed instructions on how to perform every exercise
Complete instructions on the number of sets and reps to do for each exercise
We make it as simple as possible for you to take your vertical leap to the next level

But Wait, There’s More…You’ll Get These Limited Bonuses FREE When You Order Today!

This is a digital product and the images are for 
visualization only.

Bonus #1:
Vertical Explosion Training Videos

These videos show you how to properly perform each and every exercise so there is no confusion. There is a video for each workout that walks you through the entire workout in easy to follow format

Bonus #2:
 Vertical Explosion Training iPhone Videos

Now you can take your workouts to the gym with you on your iPad or iPhone. You can watch the workouts and follow along. This makes it incredibly easy to make sure you are performing the workout correctly.
This is a digital product and the images are for 
visualization only.

Bonus #3:
Vertical Explosion Training Logs

These training logs are the easiest way to track your performance and stay focused on your training. They are essential for getting the highest possible results out of your vertical leap.

Bonus #4:
 Free Ongoing Updates

We are always testing new exercises and workouts. If we make any revisions or additions to our guide, you will get free updates inside the members area. Unless you are a customer of our introductory offer (which means you order Right Now) you will not have access to future updates.

Are you Ready?

It’s Time To Take Your Vertical Jump To New Heights!

If you are anything like me, you have wasted a lot of money and time on bogus vertical jump programs and equipment. Well, that all stops here. I am going to take all the guess work out of vertical jump training. You will no longer have to wonder if you are doing the right exercises or training too much or too little.

The Vertical Explosion Training Program tells you what to do, how to do it, and how often to do it.

Increasing your vertical leap has never been so easy!

The Vertical Explosion Training Program has taken me a long time to put together and through years of research we have been able to tweak it to be able to produce the highest gains in vertical jump height as quickly as possible. 

As you can imagine, it is a very valuable resource.

When I decided to make it available to the public I told myself I would not sell it for anything less than $200. However, I have been in your situation. I know what it feels like to buy program after program and get no results. You can feel absolutely hopeless. SO…I decided to offer my underground vertical training program for only…$97


Since I just recently began selling this guideI am offering a LIMITED TIME discounted introductory price of only…$27


Because I am so confident that my Vertical Explosion Training Program will increase your vertical like you could only have dreamed of I am offering a iron-clad guarantee…..

Try out our vertical training program for a full 60 Days. If at any time during those 60 Days you are not satisfied with your results, we will promptly give you a FULL REFUND!

Our 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Try out our vertical training program for a full 60 Days. If at any time during those 60 Days you are not satisfied with your results, we will promptly give you a FULL REFUND!

How can we offer such a crazy guarantee? 

Because we know our program works. We have tested it over and over and the results have spoken for themselves.

Listen…you have suffered long enough and you owe it to yourself to get our Vertical Explosion Training Program and finally get the explosive hops you have been chasing for so long and start dunking.

Don’t let anyone ever out jump you for another rebound again…Stop having your layups blocked back in your face…Start throwing it down on all those people who USED to be able to jump higher than you.

You will forever kick yourself if you miss out on this opportunity!

This is a digital product and the images are for 
visualization only.

Get INSTANT Access to
The Vertical Explosion Training Program

Don't forget, you get access to all these benefits:

The Vertical Explosion Training Guide (Value: $97)
The Vertical Explosion Training Videos (Value: $49)
The Vertical Explosion Training iPad/iPhone Videos (Value: $39)
The Vertical Explosion Training Logs (Value: $29)
Free Ongoing Updates
The 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Normal price $97

Only $27 (one time payment)!


To Your Success,
Kurt Howard

PS: If you are looking to finally increase your vertical leap by substantial gains, then you need to get our program. We have a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee so there is nothing to lose and so much to gain!

PSS…I reserve the right to end our limited time introductory price at any time. If you want to make sure that you get our discount I urge you to order now. This offer may be gone very soon.

PSSS…Remember that this is an immediate download guide. You will have your hands on the guide and videos in a matter of minutes after you order (even if it is 2 am in the morning!) You can start adding inches to your vertical today!

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Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of the "Vertical Explosion Training Program" products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

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